
The harmonizer mixes several pitch shifted voices to create interesting harmonies. You can mix up to four pitch shifted voices. The often experienced "chipmunk" effect which occurs when transposing the human voice or musical instruments can be reduced using the Maintain timbre option. When Maintain timbre is checked, Acoustica creates a smooth spectral envelope estimation of the signal and whitens the signal before pitch shifting. The original smooth spectral envelope is applied after transposing and the original timbre is preserved.

The Harmonizer settings.

Check this to activate the current voice.  
The musical interval to transpose. Use the radio buttons to set the transpose direction to up or down.  
·Fine tune  
With this slider you can fine tune the pitch shift factor in cents which are 1/100 of a semitone.  
Volume of the current voice in dB.  
Left / right panning of the current voice in percent.